Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine Entry & A 'Wild' Valentine DIY

I have a bit of confession to make. 
I didn't even get our Valentine decorations up until this past weekend. I honestly think I would have just skipped the entire thing if we didn't have kids to call us out on it!
So, I compromised by just doing a small vignette in our entry. 

The heart was a craft I did a few years back using a wooden heart I found at Goodwill. I just used scrap paper and embellishments I already had. 

I'm sorta in love with this arrow print and want to have it stay forever :) So don't be surprised if you see it somewhere else in this house in a different color scheme!

The arrows were made from our chopsticks, scrapbook paper, and tape.

I also wanted to share with you the valentines I made for our little guys' class party. I don't think I mentioned it here on the blog, but shortly after our little Boo's hospital stay, he started preschool! It's a program our state does through the school system for children with delays- in our case it's a speech delay. Although it broke my heart to send him off in a bus, he absolutely adores his new school and we are thrilled with the entire experience so far. His class is a new one and only has three children in it at the moment, so I thought it would be nice to do something really cute. 
I always love the little boxes of animal crackers and since I already have a jungle themed party collection in my shop, I simply took those and turned them into valentines. 

I love how they still look boy-ish. Perfect for our little man :)
You can download your own tags HERE and make your own. 

Happy Wednesday!



  1. I can't get them to download??? Help?? Just says Content Can Not Be Displayed In Frame???

    1. Hmm. I am not quite sure what the problem is - I can view and download it as a guest just fine. If you like, I can email you the file instead. Just email me (so you're not posting your address up here) at nestlingdesignstudio(at)gmail(dot)com


  2. Love these!!! Perfect for my little man. How do you get the pdf to let you enter a name in the From: box.

    1. I added it with my drawing program (so you would need one to add it as well). For the free version I just left it blank to be filled out by hand :)

      Good luck!

  3. Help! I am trying to download and I get a pop-up box that says this file is read-only.
    School V-day parties were postponed until Tuesday due to weather.

    1. I can email you the file. Email me at nestlingdesignstudio(at)gmail(dot)com. This file does leave the name part blank, so that would be filled in by hand.


  4. These were terrific! I sent them in with litt

  5. I used your Valentine as inspiration for my own! I gave you a shout on on my blog: www.karabethco.wixsite.com/karabeth. <3

  6. Do you have these tags not in the Valentine tag?
