Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Care Bear Party Plan of Action!

One of the things I am really excited to do with this blog is to show how I come up with my parties and design ideas. I really want to show the whole process from start to finish.

About 2 months before a party I start searching the Internet for ideas. Google Images has become my best friend. Pinterest is amazing, not only to sort all the great things I find in my searches, but to also FIND cool things that I might not have ordinarily come across myself. I usually also create a digital image board that helps me to feel inspired and remind me of what I want the space or party to be. Sometimes I am easily sidetracked by pretty objects :)

From there, I typically come up with a mental plan of what I want the party to look like. About 4-6 weeks out, I usually draw up a sketch of all my ideas. I LOVE to do this because it helps organize my thoughts. As you'll see soon, my sketches are pretty rough. Sometimes, when I have more time (or motivation!) I spend more time into making them nice. I love doing this for my clients as well (although, I always make sure theirs looks nicer than the ones I throw together for my parties lol) because I really think it helps them visualize what the concept is going to look like.

The other reason I always do this is because it allows me to see what things I am going to need to buy and/or make. SO important when sticking to a budget. (although, I am sure if my boyfriend read this he would laugh, because I almost always go over ours :)  ) Plus, by drawing out the layout for the dessert table, craft station, etc I can see where there are empty spaces are that will need to be filled.

I typically sketch in pencil and then go over it marker. As I draw each item I am sure to add them to my 'make' list or 'buy' list. For this party, I did a quick sketch one day at the library and came home to finish it. I was really excited to color it in today, but realized it ended up looking a little boring on paper since most of what I am doing are WHITE clouds, so there really wasn't much to render today :) But I hope you will get the idea of what it will look like.
The dessert table:

Remember how I said sketching everything made me realize where there were empty spots, etc? Well, this is a great example, because after finishing it, I noticed that the left side is just way out of scale with the right. I figure I have two options: flip some things around, or put the items on the right on covered boxes to bring them to the same height. I think I am going to do the second option: always a great way to get creative with boxes!! Just add that to my 'make' list! lol
The ice cream bar and the table where they will be eating lunch:

By this point I realize I wasn't getting much out of my rendering, so I just left the last page colorless. It's my idea for the entrance (that part was cut off, so I guess it will just have to be a surprise!) and the gift table:

The little guy was busy coloring his picture while I did mine :)

Looking at all the photos from here I noticed that my rainbow ribbon backdrop almost looks like streamers...which makes me question if I should try to do the ruffled/sewn streamer thing I have seen floating around Pinterest.... hmm. What do you think??

I hoped you enjoyed the little sneak peek into my planning mind :) I hope to do a better job at explaining the whole process after the party....when we have already moved :)


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